Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

Manesty Wood

Our first full day at the LPH Blippers Week.  A dry albeit windy day.  We set out for Manesty Wood but had to stop as we came around the road under Cat Bells and saw this scene.  Everyone decamped from the cars in double quick time to enjoy a great half hour or so as the light continually shifted and changed under these skies.

We spent the rest of the day in the woods in this scene, with some amazing flooded areas due to the recent heavy rainfall.

Just to remind we have the following established blippers here on the week.

John Gravett

And a brand new blipper pixiedust.  Please give her an enthusiastic Blipfoto welcome.

I've now added a Flickr Album of other images from the day.

Nb.  It has been pointed out to me, by you know who, that I forgot someone who is also here this (and most) weeks.  I have now amended the list.

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