Outside Looking In

One good thing about early nights is the warm glow of lights from buildings. This is the Who'd Have Thought It Inn run by the people who used to live and manage the pub ion Calstock.The lights of Plymouth can be seen in the background. I intend to turn on my chandelier and light my fire and hope the light and warmth will cheer me - Amelia had to be put down today and I'm surprised at how upset I am. She was 17-18 years old, I got her when she was 12. The vet said they can live in captivity to 20 so she did well. I'm thinking of putting Gunther in her vivarium to give him more space,but the pet shop I stopped at on the way home for new bedding for him, said they don't climb and he won't need the extra space. But I think I will try anyway - but maybe not tonight - I can't face clearing her home yet. Makes me cry just thinking of doing it and looking at it with the lights on and no one home. 

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