Sankta Lucia

Today is Lucia, so this morning, we woke early to watch and listen to the traditional Lucia concert on TV. I got a Lucia tinsel crown and a small electric candle, and mum got a saffron Lucia cat and hot chocolate. She let me pose for my blip with the saffron cat! Not the smartest move... But today, she outsmarted me, because it came directly from the freezer and only got teeth marks in it, instead of, well, chunks missing...

So beautiful was this Lucia day, with white frost and cold, sunny weather all day. I had my winter coat on when we went to the mysterious Christmas tree to contribute. Very secretly, we added two golden, glittering stars to it! To be continued, I guess...

If you have never seen a Lucia, the first 3.51 of this clip is a classic Luciatåg, with Lucia, her tärnor (girls) and stjärngossar (boys) singing the Lucia song, all from mum's (very old) music school.

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