Wherever next?

By aime

Pacific Island Air

Diane, our awesome Tour Organiser Extraordinaire, had included options for getting to Castaway by air. I can’t remember whether it was the cost or the fact that we have too much luggage (for a 4 month trip) that decided us against flying, but after seeing the arrival of this beauty we have decided that next time we will come with hand luggage only and will fly. I may have to come with a different partner though, unless I can convert Margie’s wardrobe to Rohan or silk exclusively…

More fun on and below the water today, some lounging on loungers and then a Fijian banquet with food cooked in a “Luvo” fire pit. The cocktails and champagne were freely flowing and complimentary, which probably means we have paid too much already, (you can take the Scot out of Scotland but you can’t take Scotland out of the Scot) but it was a good evening with local singers and dancers strutting their stuff. We got a chance to speak to some of the locals and some of the non locals who live and work here. The latter are convinced they have found the best place to live in the whole world but we are not so sure. Maybe they should travel more as it does broaden the mind and change perspectives.Ten days of Paradise is about as much as two God fearing Scots need at one time and we will be happy to move on to New Zealand with it’s more temperate climate and just as friendly natives.

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