Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Archie loves snow

Another new dog borrower, Laura, came to pick Archie up this morning, which enabled us to get jobs done that Archie likes to 'help' with - hoovering and wood chopping. I only got a few bits of wood sawn, then split, but it filled up my kindling cupboard nicely. And it fair puggled me! I had to relax for the rest of the day!

Last night I took Archie out and it was beautiful fresh snow - he loved it - his muzzle swept along the pavement, trying to eat as much of it as he could. The garden looked gorgeous, and I was looking forward to taking a photo of him on thick snow on the bench in the morning, but it had mostly gone by 9am. Besides, he"s discovered that snow is fun to eat, so he had most of it gobbled up before I could get a reprise photo.

In the afternoon, a young Kiwi student, daughter of a friend of a friend, popped in for a visit. Millie is studying history here for a term, and has already been settling in and enjoying herself. Not only with new friends in the hostel, but the uni has activities organised every Saturday - yesterday to St Andrews, next week Stirling, and a long weekend in Skye coming up. As they get 1,500 foreign exchange students every term, the uni is pretty used to organising social things for them.

Millie and her friends climbed Arthur's Seat this morning. I don't think they realised just how hard it was going to be. The rocky bit at the top was icy, but they had to keep going - they were so near the top. She's pleased to have that one ticked off her list of Edinburgh's seven hills! She seemed quite keen on ticking off Blackford Hill too - by car, then a very gentle slope. That's my kind of hill.

Apropos of nothing - check out this link.

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