Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Dirty doggies!

A dreich day, so after a leisurely breakfast, Archie and I settled down on the sofa for some more relaxing. I have to make sure I have everything to hand - phones, remotes and iPad, because with a 10.5kg lump of snoozing dog on my lap, I can't move. Shall I: Listen to Radio 4? Or a new Spotify playlist? Do some blipping? Read the TV blog on last night's War and Peace? Do some emails? Start a new book/restart the one I started weeks ago and have completely forgotten...

As it turns out - I did none of the above. J messaged asking us to join her and Bailey in Summerhall for lunch. So, despite the drizzle, we set off and met up with them in the Meadows, and the dogs had a run around on the muddy grass. Archie was wearing his non-tartan coat. I am further testing my theory that it's the elastic round each back leg on his tartan coat that really aggravates him and makes him grumpy (three times) with other dogs. This coat he's wearing doesn't have them. Further research needed.

So here they are - very very grubby. But they were so good in the cafe - stood side by side and just looked around at all the goings on, of which there were plenty - babies, dogs, and lots of people milling around. A couple of excited 'yips' slipped out as we put our coats on and hurriedly left.

Archie has an exciting day in store tomorrow with one of his new friends...

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