The tree

Today's the day ........................... for a favourite walk

One of my favourite walks starts at my back door.

I go up the lane, over the Windermere Road and straight up the footpath on to Kendal Fell.  When I say 'straight up', the path is quite steep for most of the way - so that by the time I am on top of the fell, I am pretty out of breath.  So that's the exercise bit done.

From then on I can just enjoy the view over Kendal Town and right across to the Howgills.  This is looking to the left from the path - so that is northwards - where the snow-covered peaks of the Kentmere Round are glinting in the late sunshine.  My walk then takes me along the Fell and the gentle descent back on to the streets of Kendal - and home.

It only takes half an hour - but I always feel good when I've done it ...........................

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