Storm Henry

Most of the snow has thawed, it's warmed up again.  It's been breezy and showers through the day, plenty of sunshine mixed in with it.  This evening has been a bit more wild and heavy showers. 

I've had the day off work, after working the weekend.  I got some chores done this morning, while the showers were on.  The showers stopped and me and Sammy somehow managed a 4 mile walk.  Each time a shower came overhead, we seemed to be in the right place to take shelter for a moment.  After lunch, I headed down to the south mainland for a run and then popped along granny in the care centre.  Sammy has been a popular boy with the residents today and also he met a peerie Shetland collie, Bell, who was also in visiting.  This evening has been a more lazy than planned, due to the heavy showers.  Off to work in the pub later tonight.

I headed south with Sammy in the afternoon and it's been some lovely sunshine along the way.  We even managed to get out for a peerie walk too.  So this is Storm Henry, thankfully he's been kind compared to Storm Gertrude.  These rams seemed happy in the sunshine today, with the hamlet of Hillwell in the background.

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