A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

How the other half live

A companion piece to yesterday's blip this is the opposite side of the square. And Albi and some new doggy pals. Including being given a serious run for her money by a working retriever. Frankly a different breed and hard to believe how closely they are related. It was a country dog up visiting its city cousins. I took her for a walk along the river afterwards and she was completely exhausted when we got back.

For me it was a lovely mind clearing break in the middle of a very full, long work day. Work is largely something that gets shoved into whatever corner I can find at the moment so it felt like quite a treat to have a full day for it. And I not only got some things done but managed to spot a potential problem before it became one.

Some real moments of family normality today. Including J giving me a trivial fun fact of the day just as he was going to bed. Did you know that Adele's Hello is the fastest video to get 1billion views on YouTube, beating Gangnam Style?

Lesley x

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