A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Big Tree

Yes, it's the square again. I'm not sure in all my five and a bit blip years I've ever done a themed week. Makes life easier. And a change from the dog. Sort of. Of course she is the reason I spent my lunch hour there. I know I shouldn't and there is no good reason for it but I can't help an internal "oh" if someone comes in without a dog.

Anyway, it was a well needed break in another long but productive working day. The people who don't need a dog to make themselves get out are very smart.

There is nothing to say in a good way but for the record J had another good tank session (27) and the fog continues to lift. He is a little tired today due to a disturbed night's sleep so we are going to try a new bedtime routine tonight. Especially as we have another review meeting with the school in the morning. Really hope they'll be able to see some progress from 3 weeks ago.

More importantly I hope I won't be too hungover to meet a deputy head as we are heading out for dinner with some friends...

Lesley x

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