TallGirl's first Victoria Sandwich Cake! I have to say it tastes a little overmixed, and is a bit overbaked (which is my fault, not hers), but otherwise delicious. We went for the slightly less traditional route (but traditional in my family) of jam and buttercream in the middle.
An odd Sunday. Mr B had the latest in a long line of on-line invigilated exams, so we all had to hang out quietly downstairs, with no internet use (he needs all the bandwidth we can muster for these exams). So the kids watched rubbish telly, and I dug a big hole in the garden and then chopped a million onions (wishing I'd put my lenses in) for onion soup*. Lunch, and then more gardening - planting an almond tree in the big hole, then hauling more heavy stuff from the middle of the lawn (where every workman we've ever had seems to want to leave big heavy stuff) to a hidden corner of the garden (behind the shed). And so I have discovered my weight carrying limits: scaffolding plank, yes; generator, no. Mr B, by the way, passed his exam, and another one he did this afternoon. He must now be qualified in everything, surely?
Roast pork for dinner (undercooked, sheesh) with the best roast potatoes, turnips that were actually lovely, kale (always lovely) and my best attempt yet at roast pork gravy. And cake for pudding, obviously.
This afternoon TallGirl proved to our satisfaction that technology is not necessarily a teenage domain. Trying to do a three-way Skype video-call with pals she's doing a homework project with, she could see but not hear one friend, and could neither see nor hear another (so how did she know she was there???)
And then we watched a show from the 70s and felt very old to have actually lived through 'history'.
* I feel like it would be odd to call it French Onion Soup here.
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