Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont


This car is usually parked in our road. Archie and I often stop to look at it. Archie thinks he wouldn't get car sick in this type of car. But then, if I could get into it, I definitely couldn't get out of it, so no chance, Arch.

I have always been tempted to put Archie on the bonnet for a photo - there are a couple of grills he could sit on, and not do any damage to the paintwork - but I have stopped short with the image of the owner looking out of his window (at the wrong time), seeing this madwoman putting her dog on his prized possession, and charging out wielding a baseball bat...

I popped up for a blood test - I am so glad I live very near to the doctors' surgery! The warfarin levels seem stable now.

We went up the Hill just before lunch - it was cold, and we didn't stay long, though Archie had a good run around and met lots of dogs. When we came back, there was a man waiting to collect my printer, which I'd put on the 'freecycle' website.

Archie and then spent the afternoon on sofa, reading and dozing. In fact, I have not moved for many hours. Just as well JR brought me treats and soup, though she has now gone out on a staff do, so I may have to actually move...

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