
Well the weather today has seen me and the chickens running in and out of the house and coop respectively like, well like headless chickens!! They are all getting much more settled and even Isabella is coming out without too much delay! Tilly however is staying in more - I think she likes the peace and quiet and space when all the flighty youngsters are out! I keep picking them up much to their dismay, but hopefully they will get used to being held, they sure are used to my camera clicking already! Two rears of the year as extra and more of the rest of them here! I don't think they had much handling and what they did get was probably heavy handed. Their male owner and ex coop member was not very gentle with the bigger allotment girls. He even once had a fire on their plot, melted the fence as well! Men! Numpties at times! He was very good at doing spreadsheets of egg production and eggs taken by coop members - says it all  really!
So a day of supervising the girls and taking photos of eggs with various props!  Makes a good Easter to me! Just the allotment girls to put to bed and thats it! Deciding whether to put food and water in the coop in case Storm Katie is particularly bad and I don't fancy going out in it till it subsides! 
Hope you have had fun with the day in your own unique ways too! 

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