
By FarmerGirl


Today was one of those days, when, feeding out, you think it was a good choice to be farmergirl and be working outside. And why was I thinking this? Because we are in the middle of winter, and the weather was superb! No frost, and the sun was making an entrance rather early for this time of year. By 10am I had my sweatshirt off, and was thinking it's going to be a brilliant day. And brilliant it was - it was 17 degrees by 2pm. I even had the washing on the line - unheard of at this time of the year!

Over the past few days, you can see how much the grass has grown - I took the ground temperature yesterday and it was 11 degrees. Amazing! Hopefully this weather continues for a few days yet.

Late this afternoon, I took one of our farm dogs for a walk up the farm. Luckily I had my camera with me, as the sun was going down and made a lovely picture of the landscape. I took lots of photos, but I liked this one best of the sun just about to disappear. You can still see a bit of water lying around after all the rain over last weekend. Hopefully the ground will start to dry up after a few days of sun.

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