
By FarmerGirl

FarmerGirl Freighting

July is a busy month for birthdays in our family (we have 5 in total), and today was no exception. It was Farmerboy's (my husband) birthday today, so after feeding out this morning, it was out to lunch with farmerboy's dad and stepmother. Then, once the boys were back from school, we had a birthday afternoon tea with our neighbours and my inlaws. We had another delicious sponge, brandy snaps, savouries, chips & dip, lollies and lots of other yummy (but bad for you) food. We don't feel like much for tea, so will probably have something simple.

After our little birthday party, we went for another trip up to our old run off to bring back (yet again) some more hay. This picture shows Farmerboy and my son T in the truck heading for home.

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