Junior sudoku

Katie watches me do sudoku a couple of times a week from the newspaper. She is a little fascinated by it and has been very keen to try. I found some junior sudoku online and drew them out for her. She got the hang of it immediately. 4x4 squares take her 30 seconds and are followed by a fabulous grin and happy dance. She did about 40 of them over the course of the day. 

We spent a few hours pottering at home before I had a meeting at her Rainbows leader's house. She had fun doing some craft and eating cookies while we did my DBS. We discovered that she does not like soya milk. We stopped on the way home to buy her a new spring waterproof. We made a high speed lunch before some friends arrived for a bit of a trip out. The kids played in the garden for a while then we went to the garden centre and looked at the small pets they have there, had a little wander round. She had fun but struggled with our slightly free-range, strongwilled 3 year old friend.  She was really ready for her tea and some music time when we came home. 

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