
By Fisherking

...........Table for one, sir?...........

Last week I didn't blip much because I was low and couldn't be arsed.......this week I have been forcing myself to be this is my first blip.

Saw the doctor yesterday........we had a good chat about how I was coping........she examined my leg.......tested the knee jerk reflex...........and decided that the heavy, weak feeling that is preventing me from lifting the leg.......and so not being able to walk very far, struggle to climb stairs, have difficulty driving is caused by fluid retention...........but just to be sure she ordered blood tests.

They managed to squeeze me in straight away............I  had four lots of blood taken........asked the nurse what was being tested for..........she reeled off a list so long that as far as I can tell the only things not being tested for are STD's and witchcraft!

Results will be back tomorrow......then I need another appointment for treatment/prescription............the rest of the day was........a couple of hours with the fishing boys........lunch.......a bit of housework.........the Angling club meeting..............a beer...........home feeling tired, the good tired from having been busy.

Not a bad nights sleep...only woke up three I've been out to see the boys again............made lunch........ caught up with some emails and phone calls.....and had a little nap.

The daughter got home from work........woke me up........and then promptly went out to eat with a tonight's blip is the aftermath of my dinner. I've come to terms with days by myself......but the Daughter comes home, we eat together, chat, watch tv, sometimes she goes out, sometimes we go out together..........but when she moves to her own house I'll need to get used to this....just me...........eating alone......contemplating the world.

What did I have?............baked potato, sausages and beans......I know, I know.....but before you all judge let me tell you............the potato was a good quality proper baker..........the sausages were from a local butcher........and the beans were of course Heinz.......actually that last bit is a lie....... they were Branstons.

Wonder what tomorrow will bring?

Das vidanya moy padruga

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