Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

No mow

I thought about mowing the lawns, then I abandoned the idea and watched Sunday morning TV with Archie instead, while JR (after breakfast in bed) did a vigorous housework workout around us. The idea of the gym today did not appeal much, due to leg complaints laziness.

We debated where to take Archie for a run. Perhaps a change of scenery? But we decided on - wait for it - Blackford Hill. Ye cannae beat it. Five minutes away (by car), not muddy, no rubbish, plenty of dogs for Archie, and smashing views for us. And I tell you, plodding up the slope was as much effort as pedal pushing in the gym, so I didn't miss out on my daily dose of torture.

Back home to mow the lawns watch the final of 'Follow the Money'. We've enjoyed that series. But even more exciting, I see that the Second Series of Kabul Kitchen is available as a box set, I loved that. We're both very excited about the start of Grand Designs New Zealand. We don't see many any NZ programmes!

Archie likes to make an entrance into the lounge - he pushes the door wide open - not ideal on these chilly evenings. I have checked out YouTube, and I am going to teach him to close it. Watch this space!

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