Bluebell in the woods?

The strange weather of sunshine and hail and bitterly cold temperature put paid to any ideas of going out so it's an indoor play day! Tilly and Polly went in and out the coop a zillion times and Polly has finally mastered using the wooden ramp to get out!I had lunch from my HelloFresh box - Grilled goats cheese with poached rhubarb salad and toasted walnuts and croutons! Made the croutons from the last of the Walnut Bread I bought in Tavistock and it was altogether delicious! I have top say i adore food and different taste combinations are so exciting!
The day seemed to go downhill after this - I read and slept an awful lot. Besides waking in the night I am dreaming more. It feels like I am living two lives, my awake life and my dream life - at times the two seem to get blurred, which is understandable with my dream life but not when my dreams colour my day or events that happened there I believe happened in real life!
 I have always dreamed and recalled my dreams, and research has shown  that high dream recallers  produce a larger amount of dreaming than low ones, and that they are more sensitive to noise and waken more, which allows the brain to encode the memory of the dream. So that explains why I am remembering them so vividly! But I used to  sleep like a log, even through thunderstorms and multiple alarms, so this doesn't fully explain why I have always remembered them, unless the dream awoke  me or noise I was not aware I was tuning into? Or maybe my dreams occurred at the time I was about to wake anyway so were encoded?
Anyhow....researchers know high dream recallers have more  "spontaneous activity of the brain’s medial prefrontal cortex and the temporo-parietal junction during both sleep and wakefulness. The temporo-parietal junction is known to play a role in processing information from both within the body and from the external environment" It also seems that personality traits play a role in remembering dreams, "people who were prone to absorption, imaginativeness, daydreaming, and fantasizing were most likely to remember their dreams."
But they still don't know why people dream! But I do have lots of dream books to try and interpret the dreams I have and it fascinates me that there is a common symbolism in dreams, and I wonder if this crosses cultures- for cultures where wearing clothes is minimal, would a dream of appearing naked in public have any resonance?But being chased in a dream must surely be cross cultural? 
Anyhow....I  shall dream on, for it seems I have no choice, unless I wear ear defenders to bed! But if it is the hot flushes that wake me I doubt they will help, unless I am constantly having them but only at certain levels of sleep am I aware of them and so wake up - they do seem to happen at the same time each night, later in the night if I go to bed later! So maybe I am also more aware of noise at that time and so awake, and then realise I am very hot. maybe I have been making the wrong causality? 
So thats decided then - tonight I am going to wear ear plugs and I will see what happens!!
" ... to sleep perchance to dream  - ay, there's the rub, for in this sleep of death what dreams may come...” (Hamlet)
P.S. I have just looked up Bluebells for their symbolism and what do i find! :-
"constancy and everlasting love -  believed to call the fairies when rung, and thought to be unlucky to walk through a mass of bluebells, because it was full of spells. It is also considered an unlucky flower to pick or bring into the house. The Latin name for this flower is Endymion who was the lover of the moon Goddess, Selene. The goddess put Endymion into an eternal sleep, so she alone could enjoy his beauty. Bluebells were said by herbalists to help prevent nightmares" 

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