Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

Still life with feathers

Some friends came on their sailboat to stay at our dock and brought hours-fresh dungeness crabs they caught with them for dinner! I don't like to catch them but have to say that, cooked for me like this, it was pretty yummy. It was also nice to have some conversation with someone other than the 2 of us!! :-)

Not a lot of photos today however. Had a row, saw a mother seal and her baby, finally - so tomorrow will try for that photo. More trail maintenance ( the green stuff grows like crazy here and we don't want to lose our trails so it's an ongoing project,( but the trail pix didn't do much for me...)

Think this blip wins tho for the light on these feathers I've collected from around here... It's a little bit of the studio window by my desk. With the Italian cup, the Mayan Chac-mohl (not sure how to spell that) the small Indian diety, and in the box on the left is a seal (stamp) from China, the bell I think is from Scandinavia, it struck me that it's kind of a tiny International still life, with lots of good things to think about....

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