Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

A good vintage

Last night's do was not uneventful. We were there for the pianist chap at the beginning (plenty of money in that as a job), then when the DJ came on, we made a hasty polite exit, as arranged.

My feet were absolutely killing me. My fairly new shoes, which feel fine in the house, were crippling me by the time we arrived at the venue. As we headed down to the city 'party area', we met a couple of ex-neighbours coming towards us and they told us not to go there, it was too noisy, too wild and full of screeching hen parties... But we bravely soldiered on, not really knowing where exactly the venue was. We had to keep popping into pubs and clubs to ask. We could not find it. I was about to start bawling and demanding we give up and go home, when we asked a club security guard - not the name of the club we were looking for - and it was the right one!

But best of all, we came out, a taxi happened to be there. Brilliant! I really needed to be whisked home painlessly.

Today we whizzed down to Thirslestane Castle for a vintage car rally. What a fine day for it. A brilliant setting in front of the castle. And it was mobbed. Lots of dogs, too. Very well organised, with marshals directing traffic. We had to park quite far from the entrance, and I wasn't looking forward to the long hike. But lo and behold - I thought I was dreaming - there was a mini van taking people with sore knees up to the entrance. Brilliant! And back again. Double brilliant.

We loved looking at all the vintage cars, but it's the classic cars of our vintage that are most interesting. We've had a few - Hillman Minx, Morris Traveller, Sunbeam Rapier. Morris Minor, VW Combi van, Morris Oxford. Some were for sale. Tempting...

We had a good look around (but no touching) then headed home for the tennis final. We walked into the lounge as the players walked on to the court. And Archie sat in the back seat again, and wasn't sick!!!

Congratulations to Djokovic - he's amazing. And well done Andy, getting to the final.

Roll on Wimbledon.

PS I'd put some extras in, but my iPad is refusing to let me do that now. Why?

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