Sherwood Forest

We arrived at Centre Parcs in torrential rain, and the forecast is set to stay like this for most of the weekend. So it's more like being in a rain forest, but at least there's plenty here to do, and rain won't stop play.

I took Scarlett to the village centre on her scooter and she loved going over this bridge. It's great that no cars are allowed on the site other than to drop off your belongings at the lodge and then when you're packing to leave, so it's a nice, safe, environment.

One slight disappointment when we checked into our lodge was that I'd booked an executive lodge because it said it had a hydrotherapy bath, but there's just a normal bath. So I called Guest Services to ask about it and they checked with the technical team and apparently it had been removed because it wasn't working. She offered to give me access to the Spa, but I've already paid for this and she couldn't give me a refund, so offered £50 in vouchers to have a meal which I accepted. So tonight we put it towards an Indian takeaway for us all that was delivered to Rachel & Scott's lodge which is next door but one to ours.

Looking forward to exploring tomorrow!

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