
By LadyPride

Days like these...

After a grumpy few days (me, not Audrey), it was a relief to wake up feeling cheerier today.

The humid heat of the past few nights had passed and Audrey managed a 6 hour and 5 hour gap between feeds last night. Girl's doing good. She was also in a great mood today too. Sleep obviously agrees with her! Just like her mother!!

Decided not to do any work on my business today in favour of dedicating the whole day to hanging out with my favourite little lady. I felt like a normal Mum on maternity leave. Nice isn't it?

The sun shone through the windows, we tidied the house ready for our tea party tomorrow, popped out to buy fresh flowers and took a long wall through Longford Park, stopping for a cup of tea and a cuddle at a local baby friendly cafe. It was really rather lovely.

Now looking forward to some wine and sushi in front of the Olympics Opening Ceremony tonight (my husband was originally meant to be on a 'lads night out' but it was cancelled - hooray...errr I mean, what a shame...)

Spotted this discarded child's drawing on the roadside by a school in Chorlton. The Olympics must have been a gift for teachers. Lesson planning being a doddle these past few weeks. I think the accompanying hub cap adds to the feel of the picture; it was taken in Manchester after all!

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