There are so many gorgeous flowers in the garden at the moment that it's hard to pick one to blip. Of course, I could be radical and blip something from outside my garden, but that would require a degree of planning and foresight pre-8pm that I just don't have.
Today the flower choice was made easier by CarbBoy's grin when I showed him this flower. He is under punishment at the moment so, with most of his usual electronic activities withheld, he gets to hang out with me when he's not at school and help me with jobs. Today he did it without even the smallest complaint. Indeed, with something that could almost be called eagerness. His happiness at seeing this flower (when hanging out the washing with me) was because he transplanted them. So this is his flower.
In other news, it was stupendously hot. I was wrong when I said yesterday was the worst day we could have done that walk: because that would be today. In fact, looking at the forecast, that would be tomorrow. 34 degrees down at my shed (shade temperature) at 8pm today. I had to hide inside doing housework! Sheesh.
West Wing with the kids and a good chance to talk about feminism. TallGirl commented that all the men on the show seem frightened of strong women. CarbBoy asked if he should be too. I told him no, because he'd be brought up not to need to be. He asked if it would be Daddy or me who would teach him that. My response was equivocal...
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