what we did today...

By SarnieV

Rescued Flowers

A bought this for me from lidl, it was a sad under watered dry wilted thing but it was a bargain. I had said I wasn't going to buy one because I'd probably kill it. However, this has thrived in my lovely new terracotta pot! Hard to believe what it looked like a month ago.
A ran the seven hills of edinburgh race today - 14miles across edinburgh, a tough race. Meanwhile the boys and I planted some seed potatoes that were well o reduce going in. We planted them on the steep slope once we'd cleared ground elder - we hope they will out compete the ground elder. The boys had a great time despite claiming they wouldn't and all they wanted to do was play computer games. The very last potato was named yoda and they know exactly where it is buried :-D They also helped empty bins and out out recycling which had been neglected. And we had a good clear out of clothes - or at least I did once they were playing Lego starwars on the PS3 ....I'm sure they won't notice :-D

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