.....five gold rings........

O.K. so they're white but you get the idea.

Long,busy day.

Up at 6.30....empty the dish washer......nip out for petrol and fags.....back home and cooked an Olympic breakfast....sausage, bacon, scrambled egg, hashbrowns, toast and coffee......set off at 9.15 for the football.

Parked up and walked the mile or so to the stadium....sent to a security check to be told I didn't need to empty the camera bag whereas the S & H was made to empty the baby bag of nappies, milk etc and then repack it and put it inside a sealed , clear plastic bag. We all had to empty our pockets into small plastic bags!

Walked to the turnstile we were allocated to.....the Boss, the Daughter and YH got straight through....the S & H and I got stopped...he was questioned about the bottle of baby juice....even though it was inside the sealed plastic security beg so had obviously been checked already....I was made to get the camera out of its bag...and open the compartment with the rain cover in it......and then the NZ and Brazil flags were measured and then I was frisked!

Inside 5 cokes cost almost £12!....and they kept the tops!!!...when we got to our seats I noticed a young Brazil fan with a flag attached to a three foot long stick....and the bloke behind was drinking a coffee....so, my flags were checked for size and my bottle top was confiscated in case I used it as a weapon. What do you think could cause the most damage....a big flag (more than 1m x 2m ) or a flag on a stick.....a bottle top or a hot cup of coffee?

We found our selves surrounded by Brazil fans so I spent the afternoon surrounded by exotic totty, noise and wild enthusiasm...it was fantastic!

First match was a 12.00 kick off....NZ v Egypt....ended as a 1-1 draw, but both teams could have scored two or three. Then disaster struck...poor logistics....the food ran out at the kiosks...except for tubes of Pringles!

Second match kicked of at 3.00....Brazil v Belarus....a shock.....Belarus took the lead........Brazil equalised before half time....eventually thanks to a brilliant free kick and a stunning passing move Brazil ran out 3-1 winners.

There were over 66000 at Old Trafford.....considering the third tier of the Sir Alex Ferguson stand wasn't open and two sections had been taken out for big screens and other bits for cameras that must have been almost capacity....so what's all this hoo-ha about seats not being sold in that London?

Everyone had a brilliant time, two good games, noise, colour, Mexican waves, chanting and everyone cheering goals and good play from all 4 teams involved.
Picked up pin badges for all of us....and Charlotte was an absolute star staying really well behaved and interested right through the whole 6 hours we were in the ground.....and the best bit?.....we can all say "We went to the Olympics!"

Now were all knackered....the S & H , YH and Charlie are staying another night......and we're all watching.......you guessed it....the Olympics!

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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