A blowy, showery day, so mostly indoor activities for all. There was rowing and cycling to watch (yeah, and yeah - though without taking anything away from Wiggins, you have to feel a bit for Froome who, in any other year, would be considered a fine success with second in the Tour and an Olympic bronze, but now is a little overshadowed). Then the mens' gymnastics, with a rather sweet moment coming in to see my Dad, Mr B and Conor watching it together and cheering the British lads on.
That aside, a day of apple pie - with a serious pastry failure that Mam is politely blaming on bad flour - and a pork casserole thingy. And more back issues of Gardener's World. We have quite a big garden, but I have now planned enough features for a 15 acre garden...
Tomorrow, back to Scotland early to hope for good enough weather to get the grass cut up there. This is Mam's rather elegant ornamental grass (Squirrel Tail?) which I'm hoping to steal some seeds from to take home.
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