Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

New ball please...

Very dark this morning, with thunder and lightning! But cleared up by midday and it's now a lovely evening. We're giving the sunloungers another whirl. They're very comfy and give good support for my leg.

Popped up to the nurse for a blood test this morning. Actually, not a 'pop'- too far for me at the mo, so JR took me in the car. Blood all behaving well, so I don't need to go back till September.

JR went shopping, dropping Archie off at Bailey's house on the way. The dogs had a great time up the Hill, though he's now playing in the back garden and seems to have plenty of energy left still. I think we may need to buy him a new ball - he's spent weeks trying to get in to the innards, and is now concentrating on dismembering it completely.

While they were both out, I declared my intention of going for a walk round the block, but JR thought it best not to go on my own in case I had an attack of the collywobbles. So I didn't. Instead, I relaxed did my horizontal exercises on the sofa.

We watched an excellent programme about New Zealand which I recorded last night. Fantastic filming. Especially of the darling wee penguins.

We're having tea outside again. There is a rather nice barbecue smell wafting over our wall. Archie's nose is fair twitching. So is mine. Feels like summer!

Happy Birthday Anne!

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