Butterflies & Bees

here is another oldie:


Left at 10.00 and headed for Oxford. We were there by 10.45 & we dropped a script in at the Churchill Hospital Pharmacy for some iron tabs, then on to the centre to be greeted by Carol's cousin's daughter who works there 2 days a week. Not much waiting before getting called for blood tests & chat about how I had been over the past few days. As far as I was concerned I am back to normal. The only problem is that they have taken me off of Etoracoxib, an anti-inflammatory drug which I have been taking for many years. It suppresses the constant pain that I get from my joints & so without it I am a poor old sod & Paracetamol is hardly enough. I do have stronger stuff available but I prefer not to take them if at all possible as it can make you woozy sometimes...

I saw Dr Goo this am along with Kayleen who told me that I will need to have a CT Scan prior to the Pill-cam, & I will receive an appointment very soon to attend outpatients at the JR II hospital. They do this to ensure that there are no blockages along the way & so the pill-cam can get through without obstruction.
Because we wanted to get home earlier today. We left without going to the pub by the river but we did call at Bradmoor Farm shop & cafe at Haddenham where we had lunch before heading home.

The reason for getting home earlier was because C's mum has had 2 falls in 2 days & has been quite poorly. C wanted to get there to see her. The Centre will ring me with the Hemoglobin levels which I hope have increased over the past few days. Normally my level is around 120 whereas over the past few days it has been in the low 90s.

Update - steady increase in my level now up to 98 - another week & I should be back to normal !

A very hot stuffy day ...speak later.

Ps the good news is that I can have a beer (shandy) when we go to a party at the weekend .....yip yip yippee !!

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