Les Calanques

Alan went off to work this morning and I decided to go on a boat trip of Les Calanques along the coast towards Marseille. The Calanques provide inlets to little secluded beaches, only accessible by boat, and our boat took us into each of them.

It was a 2.5 hour trip, and I got back into La Ciotat at 1pm, just in time to join Alan and is colleagues for lunch. They went back to the office to finish off so I went to the hotel pool for a swim until Alan finished work.

We then went for a wander through the old town and down to the beach - which was very busy! We sat and had a beer at the beach and then strolled back into town where we had Apero by the waters edge at the marina and then had dinner.

It's been another wonderful day and I'm so glad I was able to join him on this trip.

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