Just the Withers......

By JaneW

You should have seen the mess....

Happy Birthday to my darling youngest daughter,the evil mini me... my Lucy/Lucifer ... eight years on this planet and don't we know it ;)
Had a lovely day,bit of an early start for us ... Lucy is known and has been known since a baby (I can never say small baby as she was 10 days early and weighed over 9lbs the little bloater) for never wanting to get out of bed,it is not unusual for her to still be in bed at 11am..... anyway it was 8am and I hyperventilated !!!! Still,she did open presents and then go and have a lie down........ then we made cakes with her machine and waited for her friend Jessica to arrive where upon as a treat I let them decorate all the cakes and OH FOR THE LOVE OF PETE... THE MESS.... THE MESS :O but you know,it was worth the clear up as they spent an hour and a half 'creating' we are all a little buzzing on sugar and colourants.
Mr W fetched them McDonalds for tea at Lucys request and then we had an Indian take out...
had the Olympics on all day,what a BRILLIANT haul of medals :D makes me tearful !!!
Tomorrow I am off on a blip meet with Pidge,Vik and Buttercup x

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