Echinacea purpurea

Today's the day ......................... to identify

This blip is for Roma who kindly gave us this plant a few months ago.

When I say 'gave' she actually left a whole lot of plants in a designated spot in her garden when she and John were away sailing - and said "Help yourself to anything you would like ............."  We need little encouragement when it comes to acquiring plants, so we did help ourselves.

This one was only a few inches tall when I stuck it in the border - with absolutely no hint of the glory that it would become.  It grew and grew and eventually this flower opened.  Only Mother Nature would put these colours together in the same flower - but they always seem to work with her.

I wasn't sure at first, but I think it's an Echinacea, Roma?  Thank you very much for letting us have it.  It's a stunner .......................

PS  Thank you all SO much for all the lovely comments, stars and hearts of yesterday.  I bathed in a warm glow all day!  I'll get round and say thank you properly in due course ..........

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