Delicious Michelin taster menu

Today started off just like the other days here - Mr C and I had a morning with Ella and Nathaniel,on the beach. They (and we) enjoyed it so much. After lunch we went to the pool but Nathaniel refused to go in and played Fireman Sam with a garden hose he found. Ella was tired too but valiantly did some swimming and jumping in.

What was different though was that Mr C and I went up the road about a Mike to Chateau de Sully for a Muchelin star taster menu. It was one of the nicest meals we've had and cheaper than the equivalent in UK. Basically it was 4 courses with tiny tastes of stuff between. The first course was skate wing and veal tongue - despite preferring veggie food I managed to eat a baby cow's tongue. We could have had duck or salmon for the next course - we had the salmon which was nice with beetroot 3 ways. Then there was a great selection of Normandy cheeses, and a scrumptious rhubarb pudding - the who,e thing was encased in a brandy snap. The bottom was a sponge soaked in some kind of liqueur, with chopped rhubarb, an ice cream of a subtle flavour with a disc of fragrant jelly on top, garnished with a tiny curl of nasturtium flower. it was all so pretty and tasted divine. I take back what I said 20 years ago about French food, when we'd be given a carrot salad, tough steak with overly creamy sauce, followed by either creme caramel or apple tart!

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