Bit Wet...

I had a really early start today with an 8am Physio appointment. Yuk. I hate getting out of bed so early!

Seems the disc has slipped back where its supposed to be and progress is good. He said he could tell I had been doing my exercises he gave me.....erm.....I haven't.....but we will just let him believe I have! 
I have been doing them, just not as often as I should but at least I'm getting better. He said I will need more than the allowed 6 weeks which is good, I suppose!!

Work was ok, I managed to carry a baby, always a bonus in my job....then home for the afternoon to write 3 reports.

I had a quick check of the garden when I got in as Mr W had cut the grass and as he seems to have taken on the role of Head (Apprentice) Gardener while our Gardener (me) is off sick, I needed to check we still had plants!! So while I was out there, I took a quick blip of the Clematis that I thought was supposed to flower months ago....looking very soggy in the rain.

Now I'm all tucked up with a hottie and a grannie blanket ready to start work on my ipad wishing I had a a Jumbo packet of salt and vinegar crisps to tuck into!!!


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