a new year!

By Thesalh70

Another A-MO-ZING Saturday!

Well the intention to lie in a little was there, but it didn't happen. Woke at 5.45am, but was somehow still half hour late to meet jo and Matthew!

Gorgeous day, v hot and perfect for a wander round markeaton park with jo and Matthew. Nice lunch too, pint of shandy much welcome!

Home, food shopping then managed a quick gym session, 40 minute run, thank goodness air con on!

Home, quick shower and then off to the first BBQ at mums. Was beaut. Top food!!

After li and Matt had gone, me and mum watched mo farah win the 5000m. As the last lap bell rang out, our quiet 'c'mon mo's' gained more volume. By the last 200m, we were both shouting and at 300m screaming and on our feet!! Amazing run from mo!!

Then back to mine to watch the diving. Oh Lordy lord, was that nail-biting! Tom Daley turned it on big time! Bronze medal for him, will be gold in 4 years time!

Quote of the games for me from Mo Farah, 'anything is possible, it's all hard work and grafting'!

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