Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont


We had an industrious morning - JR went to the gym, having missed a visit during the week, and I set to arranging the shed and putting the barbecue away for another year. We used it once! Not because of any inclement weather so much as lack of enthusiasm on my part, what with my new knee and recovery taking up most of my summer.

We've now got room for a new delivery of winter wood, the bird food is all out in the shed, handy for the bird feeder and where Archie can't get at it, and the outdoor seating is under cover. Job done.

Elizabeth came to pick up Archie for the afternoon, so we decided to pop down to Stockbridge and have lunch in a gastro pub/restaurant we've long been meaning to go to.

It was mobbed, but we had a seat at the bar, enjoyed a fruity local beer, and waited. And guess what. There was NO muzak!! Just a buzz of talking, laughing, cocktails being shaken - such a pleasant change. I loved it even before I ate anything.

I had a vege burger and chips, which was yummy, but JR's steak pie was even yummier! I shall have that next time. And even though the flat white was not a flat white but a milky coffee (they didn't charge for it) there will be a next time - one bus ride, good food, dog friendly, no muzak. Sounds like heaven to me.

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