Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Another stroppy puss

A very lazy day. An Archie haircut, beard and leg wash - he was a bit whiffy on the bed last night.

Sunday morning television with breakfast, which extended into lunch and various snacks. I did rise and venture out to the back garden to pick up the fallen apples - there are millions of them and apart from not wanting to waste them, I don't want Archie to discover them, as he'd eat them all, with possibly probably disastrous consequences.

JR took Archie up the Hill - I feel a wee cold/cough coming on, and I don't want it to develop into something. They were away for ages because they met Brian in the street and the pair of them had a good play before they even got in the car. Brian's dad admired Archie's haircut - those clippers have certainly been a good buy. They were paid for in the first three cuts (at £42 a go).

A different cat strolled into the garden and sat on the brown bin, looking in the window, bold as brass. I put Archie on the chair to see what he would do this time, after his hilarious (to us - scary to him) meeting last time.

The cat didn't budge, but Archie kept eye contact, and tiny wee growls slipped out, but not enough for puss to hear. Then it wandered off. The cats around here sure have attitude.

I'm looking forward to the Trump/Clinton debate tonight. I'm almost tempted to get up and watch it live. It should be a cracker.

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