
By Appreciation

I read recently that every garden should produce a bunch of flowers each week through the summer. As I was throwing out last weeks, I spotted the glorious sweet peas. The heady scent is wonderful and has filled the room already. These may be the only two bunches I get this year!

Thank goodness my man isn't here, the scent would set his nostrils flaring. Today he started his new job. He has now been given a new laptop and says he feels whole again, or at least he will do when he gets his phone. I have had to be phone secretary for a few weeks now. When he drew up a car schedule the other day it took all my will power to resist from saying my car- not sharing.

These measures are all temporary and we hope to be a laptop loving, 2phone, 2 car family again in the not too distant future. Although tomorrow could add another dimension to that - fingers crossed.

Sorry I've been a rubbish blip pal of late - many many things taking up my time - hope to return soon. Thanks for sticking with me.

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