Guess who's Over done it again!

Who said Sunday was a day of rest???

I thought in my infinite Wisdom that today would be a good day to get a few 'light' chores done seeing as I was working and shopping the rest of the week. So after a lazy morning, I cleaned the bathroom, washed the towels, 'Dysoned' the house, cooked a roast, glued the toys I broke yesterday and knocked up a few a Coffee Cupcakes. I thought I'd then be able to spend the evening while Mr W was out catching up on blip - except I'm no good typing laying down!!!! Damn this stupid back. Anyone would think I was 84 not 48!!

Anyway. Enough moaning, at least I can lay down so shut up Tamzin.

Here we have my Birthday present Daughter Number 1 gave me on Wednesday. Some of you may remember a few I have had done as gifts. I did one for DN1 of her Pussies for her Birthday, another one done for Gogglebox Chris of his Pups for cutting my hair for Charity and one done for Samuel Squidget of our dogs for his birthday. I just love this artist and think shes really quite talented. DN1 went to alot of trouble to send her loads of different pictures to get this one just right of the back of my house with Bear and Woody. I always meant to get one done but couldnt have asked for a better picture!!

Talking of DN1, shes still a bit sad. The boyfriend she thought was 'the one' seems he might not be after all. Theres something not right and she can't quite put her finger on it so they have chosen to cool things for a bit to see how they feel. Not always a great sign in my book. I just think unless you feel you want to be with someone every day then somethings not right, but whats right for one isnt always right for another but I still feel for her.

Right, time for another cup cupcake?? Butler......!!!!


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