N0 126: Water Rail

Today we went to RSPB Blacktoft Sands. I made the big mistake of not taking my monster lens because although we had a great day and saw lots of birds, most of them were too far away to be photographed successfully. I chose this picture over other as yet unblipped birds such as greenshank, wood sandpiper and tree sparrow for a number of reasons. One is that they are such elusive birds that to capture 2 even in a rubbish shot is really something. Also, they are quite unmistakeable even in this shot with their distinctive plumage and bright bills, and finally, at least there are some nice colours and watery reflections in this shot.
We saw lots of butterflies - literally hundreds of peacocks - but the best for me was a wall, which I haven't seen this year - in fact I'm not sure when I did last see one.

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