2014 more running needed

By Brianporterrun

Coarse measurement

No it's not a typing error, unfortunately.
I went to Radio Lancashire this morning to talk briefly about some of my exploits of the past 3 weeks.
I've received a number of very kind comments since and from some unexpected corners.

Afterwards I went to Preston to measure a couple of courses. I need to get them, and a 10 mile race, measured by the weekend because I'll be out of action for a few weeks from Monday.
Anyway things weren't going as well as they could and to add to the fun it was persisting down! The first measurements were coarse rather than course!
I mean how difficult can it be to fit 10km onto the planet??? Very, it would seem!
But being the determined person I am, rain and frustration did not get the better if me.
Just got the km markers to do now then onto the ten miler.
So it's all good again

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