2014 more running needed

By Brianporterrun

Think it through

I went out this morning to finish the measurement for the Run preston events taking place in September.
Job done so the surgeon can carve me up on Monday safe in the knowledge he is not preventing athletes competing over a correct distance!
I'm sure he'll sleep more easily knowing this :)

While I was out I came across two men who really should have thought things through.
The first got his car far too close to my bike and almost kncked me off. Then he hurlde abuse at me for being on the road before speeding off. A little shocked I stopped to gather myself and two very kind people came to me and persuaded me to report it. So I did.
The Police were very helpful and supportive and called me back to let me know their progress. Turned out they have been wanting to speak to him about much more serious issues and I'd provided the reason they needed to knock on his door. I'm not sure if they are going to knock with a hand or a battering ram. He should have thought it through!

The second was a van driver who followed me through a pedestian area, revving his engine and sounding his horn.
When I stopped he got out and gave me a right old mouthful about being on the road. I think he was a designer of some kind because he said he was going to rearrange my face, starting with biting my nose off!
I've sometimes thought about a couple of nips and tucks on my face but nose removal I hadn't thought of! I suppose it would get rid of the nasal hair!
Anyway I looked at him and thought given his size and clear lack of any exercise regime I could easily out run him. He clearly hadn't thought it through!

I've also sorted my photos from The Olympics and added captions to them. They are not in any particular order but I hope you like them.

ome of you have asked how to find my radio interview so here it is I'm on towards the end at approx 2 hours 52 min. Enjoy

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