Rothbury from Simonside

It was far too nice to be indoors today so we headed for the tops- despite me being awake from 3.15 till it got light. Then of course I dozed fitfully for an hour before getting up.

The light was gorgeous on the hill. It was warm enough going up in the sun to have my coat off, but I was glad of it, not to mention gloves and buff round my ears when we emerged from our climb at the craggy top into the bitter wind.

I was spoiled for choice of pictures as we could see Cheviot to the north, the North Sea to the east, countless windfarms to the south, and the forest stretching away east, all sparkling in sun. This is taken from a top, looking down to Rothbury across the valley. Our house is on the upper row below the trees, Cragside grounds are the woods on the righ, and the Alnwick Road can just be seen upper left.

We are off to town to babysit as daughter has a meeting after work and son-in-law has to get to bed, as he is working from 11pm.

I don't know yet exactly what was said about James at the 'disciplinary meeting' at nursery, but daughter is upset. I suppose it is hard to be told he is not the son of god, merely a very naughty boy. (Life of Brian, a very irreverent film by the Monty Python team). He has almost 3 years before he has to go to school so I'm sure he'll learn to conform by then.

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