An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Stormy Weather...

What is this weather like! It really is mad! Bit dull this morning then lovely and sunny by 10.30am, couple of light showers then sunny all afternoon till around 5pm whenTHIS rolled over bringing thunder and rain like I've never seen....well never seen since the last time it rained like this couple o days ago! Sunny again now!

Weather! Get a bloody grip of yourself. It's feckin' summer time don't you know! Sheesh!

Ok, now I have that off my chest I can get back into my good mood! :-))

It's been a busy but good day today starting with a visit to Alan's school this morning at 9.20 to see him try out his new wheelchair. Exciting! Sadly he couldn't keep it today as it needs tweaking but he was an absolute star as the physio, an OT and the bio-engineer moved him around getting him into all sorts of positions to work out the best seating system for him.

After that headed home for a short while then back out at 12.30 to meet 5 other mums for lunch. What a hoot! We all have children with disabilities so were a bit raucous and loud giddy given our childfree status after the 7 week summer holiday and muh to our amusement, seemed to be getting on the tits nerves of two of the blue rinse brigade older ladies at the table opposite us!

Honestly, they looked like Barbara Cartland and Baby Jane!!! They sat there with faces that would turn milk and everytime we laughed the Baby Jane one put her fingers in her ears and tutted! It was hilarious and made us laugh all the more! Oh I hope I never get to be so joyless!

So an afteroon of catching up with each other, eating fabulous food (red onion marmalade, bacon and chedder cheese tart followed by cappuccino and a scone :) and generally letting off a bit of steam.

Drove him via all the country roads rather than the A9 and had hoped to stop and get my blip on the way but I was cutting it fine for getting home before Alan!

So Thursday is almost over blip pals...coasting all the way to the weekend now. And I promise I will get around you all to not only thank you for my blipday comments but for all the wonderful comments, stars and hearts for Alan's birthday blip yesterday. You put me onto the Spotlight page two days in a row!!!! Some won't like that....there may be a stewards enquiry! ;-))))

Back later to try and catch up with you all.... xxxxx

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