This is Amy who did my ...

..... hair this morning, but , Natasha is my usual stylist. So she had to get in on the act too!! Therefore it was only fair to include Holly who washed and gave me a relaxing head massage. It's such a great salon I'm so lucky to have found them.
This afternoon I went to the cinema ( alone ) to see the proclaimed " Light Between Oceans ", a very poignant film with many emotions. Yes it was sad/ romantic/ caring / thought provoking and I'm sure many more besides. Very tastefully and acted film. I found it to be an understanding of human nature rather than a tear jerker , which I must say I was pleased about. I do like to leave a film with something to mule over, I think this did, for me anyway.
It has been a dark dank day, one you don't need when you've been to the hairdressers!
Outside I can hear fireworks by the plenty. Hope everyone enjoys them and are safe.

Happy .... to have neat hair now ( for a while !! )

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