Steppin' on Fire

The wind was blowin' a hoolie, the rain was dingin' doon like there was no tomorrow and bonfires the lengthens breadth of Doric Land were being cancelled. But not our neighbours. Nothing stops their annual bonfires. Apparently one year they set fire to the forest and last year they nearly came a cropper when they got over eager with their petrol can to overcome the dreich. We usually wake up to a garden and car roof decorated by spent fireworks. This year was no exception. I had a sneak peak out Tess' window and they all looked like duvet wrapped sausages keeping out the cold, clutching a tipple and smiling, chatting and laughing. I do like their family bonfire tradition, it's reassuring to see it being built, lit and enjoyed every year.

Sam, Dave and I kept the dogs cuddled up and stretched out fireside in the front of the house, cocooned well away from the bangs and whizz and bangers and watched the Shawshank Redemption, Sam was suitably in awe as a first time viewer.

Tess meanwhile was on a sleepover and unbeknown to us was being chauffeured around Aberdeen with her pals by an obliging mum in search of elusive fireworks before heading off to the The Range at 9pm to sing Karaoke. Two things, why is The Range open at 9pm on a Saturday night and why does the altar to all things plastic unfantastic have a karaoke????

Anyways, despite the atrocious weather, I finally got to add some decent steps onto the daily step challenge counter as part of the work team competition. The teams are very competitive (not naming names but we know who you are!!!) but 3 dog walks and a beachcombing session later I'd racked up a not too shabby step count for the day.

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