Very big and very far away.....

Anyone who's been on an alpine trek with me will know I rely upon Father Ted to explain a sense of scale and perspective alot.

To try and get a different sense of perspective today a long wander on the snow covered Scar was called for. Frankly I'm pretty disgusted with 2016 so I'm considering refusing to accept it - thus I'll effectively be a year younger - that's the only positive I found.

There's a lot going on in today's blip - there's a very happy husky - the return of the white stuff certainly takes years off her - this is before she tried to dig a snow cave - there was genuine frustration to be heard in her howls when she realised the deepest drift we could find was only a foot or so deep.
For any geology fans there's evidence of both the karst landscape here is famous for, and the granite erratics used to prove glacial expansion and retraction patterns.
And for the wildlife fans? Well this wood is where they're breeding the back grouse that they're hoping to repopulate this Moor with. Yes many many will be shot, but a significant few will wander and establish - and that represents the best chance man has offered them for a century or so in these parts.

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