
This is my first popcorn crochet for my blanket. Actually it's my second as the first 4 rows had to be unpicked as I had too few stitches. A little while later this one was also unpicked as I had too many! Did I say yesterday "Keep Calm and Crochet?"Can't say that is working out too well for me! But at least I am getting my attention directed to my stitches rather than the state of the world and as my sister says, it has been a long time since I did it - over 30 years!  Just got to get used to it and maybe loosen up my stitching so I can see each one clearly and so not make mistakes. That's a pretty good approach to take to life as well I think - pass me that crochet hook I'm starting again! Zen and the art of Crochet - has a nice ring to it  don't you think?!

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