Muckle Flugga Shore Station

It was a fine calm morning, bit cloudy, slowly the wind picked up, taking showers in with it and rained most of the night. 

I got out with Sammy after breakfast, and then headed over to see Julie and family.  Julie cooked lunch, we brought chickens to roast and trimmings, and Julie also had friends over too.  After a day with the family, it was time to head home.  Mam popped by tonight, and we went round to auntie Binnie's.  We are researching an uncle, so she has been filling in blanks :)  Also she's been telling us about German planes shooting at her during WWII, up in Ollaberry.  Quiet night at home, try walking Sammy again, if the skies clear.

I went to Burrafirth for a walk with Sammy, while lunch was cooking.  It was still a fine day, and dry too.  This is the old shore station for the Muckle Flugga lighthouse, now residential houses and interpretative centre.  And wow, what a view to the cliffs below Saxavord.  Taken at Burrafirth, Unst.

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