Doon Lang Soond

A chilly day and overcast, but it was dry and fairly calm for most of the day.  This evening the winds picked up and rained most of the night.  

It's been a day off work, and up early to putter about the house.  I went for a walk about Scalloway with Sammy, and ended up out for a run on the boat.  In the afternoon we popped into town for some DIY odds, and nipped in to see uncle Bobby.  After tea it was time to head for my shift in the pub.  I managed another walk in the rain with Sammy, so feet up now!

It's been a while since I was last out on the boat, so with the calm day, we had to take advantage.  We headed out the harbour, and down by Trondra, through Stream Sound and back up Clift Sound.  It was cold out on the boat, but still enjoyable.  This is looking down Lang Sound and towards Bridge-End, Burra, with friend Benim  (Mark Inkster) heading to Scalloway.  

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